托赖 tuō lài[rely on one's elder or an influential person for protection] 依仗长辈或权势的保护(多见于早期白话)
托落 tuō luò[be down and cast;be in dire straits] 孤独不遇。又写作托落、落托、落拓。孤危托落。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》
托门子 tuō mén zǐ[ask an influential person to help arrange sth.] 找门路说情以达目的托门子他是老手
托梦 tuō mèng[(of the ghost of one's kith and kin) appear in one's dream and make a request] 梦中显现已逝之人的形象并有所吩咐(带有迷信色彩)
托名 tuō míng[pseudonym; do sth. in sb. else's name] 假托他人的姓名,借以抬高自己
托盘 tuō pán[serving tray] 盛碗碟之盘子,多为长方形,木制或金属制
托人情 tuō rén qíng[ask an influential person to help arrange sth.;ask sb. to put in a good word for one;seek the good office of sb.] 请人说情。也说托情 谁托人情我也不会答应
托生 tuō shēng[incarnation;be reincarnated in a new body] 指人或牲畜死后转世投胎,是迷信说法
同本义 [entrust to the care of sb.;commit sth. to sb.'s care]託,寄也。——《说文》东方不可以託些。——《楚辞招魂》託山阪以孤魂。——《文选·张衡·思玄赋》久矣,予之不托于音也。——《礼记·檀弓下》自托于赵。——《战国策·赵策》岂足托乎。——《资治通鉴》