辨别力 biàn bié lì[power of discrimination;ability to see things in their true light] 辨别的能力 在嘴唇和手脚没有毛发的部分对压力的感受力和辨别力很高
辨明 biàn míng[clarify] 辨别判明辨明敌友
辨认 biàn rèn [identify]∶分析辨别并做出判断他的笔迹容易辨认
辨识 biàn shí[identify;recognize] 辨别认识
辨析 biàn xī[discrimination] 辨别分析同义词辨析
辨证 biàn zhèng[discriminate] 辨析考证
辨证论治 biàn zhèng lùn zhì[diagnosis and treatment on the basis of an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition] 中医指根据病人的发病原因、症状、脉象等,结合中医理论,全面分析、作出判断,进行治疗。也说辨证施治(证同症)