韵白 yùn bái[parts in Beijing opera where the traditional pronunciation of certain words is slightly different from that in current Beijing dialect] 戏曲中句子整齐押韵的道白
韵调 yùn diào[tone] 声韵和吐字腔调
韵腹 yùn fù[essential vowel in a compound vowel] 声韵学名词。一个完全的汉语韵母,可分为韵头、韵腹、韵尾三部分,韵腹通常为整个音节中发音最响亮的部分,又称为主要元音
韵脚 yùn jiǎo[rhyming word that ends a line of verse] 成韵的诗文中押韵的句末字
韵律 yùn lǜ[rules of rhyming] 平仄和押韵规范
韵母 yùn mǔ[simple or compound vowel (of a Chinese syllable),sometimes with a terminal nor ng] 汉语字音中声母、字调以外的部分