查 [chá] [zhā] 字“查”的解释和评论
【uci-code】:CJK 统一汉字 U+67E5
1. 查 [chá]查 [chá] - 查案 chá àn[investigate into a case] 仔细调查案件的情节
- 查办 chá bàn[investigate into an affair and deal with it accordingly] 查明罪状或错误,加以惩处撤职查办
- 查抄 chá chāo[make an inventory of a criminal's possessions and confiscate them] 清查并加以没收
- 查处 chá chǔ同查办
- 查点 chá diǎn[check the amount of] 检查清点数目查点货物
- 查对 chá duì[check;verify] 查考核对查对材料
- 查房 chá fáng[make the rounds of the wards in a hospital] 对宿舍或病房进行检查探视
- 查访 chá fǎng[go around and make inquiries;investigate] 调查访问查访案情
- 查封 chá fēng[seal up;close down] 检查后贴上封条,不准动用查封房屋
- 查号台 chá hào tái[information desk;directory inquiries] 查电话号码的处所
- 查获 chá huò[ferret out;hunt down and seize] 经搜查而缴获查获一部敌人的电台
- 查禁 chá jìn[prohibit;ban] 检查禁止查禁淫秽书刊报纸、黄色影视等
- 查究 chá jiū[follow up a case;investigate and ascertain] 调查追究
- 查勘 chá kān[survey;prospect] 在现场进行实地调查查勘水文地质环境
- 查考 chá kǎo[try to ascertain;do research on] 调查考察,弄清事实查考一批新出土文物的年代
- 查扣 chá kòu[check and detain] 检查扣下查扣黄色书刊
- 查明 chá míng[ascertain through investigation;find out] 调查清楚查明她的乘客安全带的情况
- 查铺 chá pù[bed check;go the rounds of bed at night] 按照条令对所属人员是否就寝进行检查或在营房内而作的夜间检查
- 查讫 chá qì[check off] 检查完毕
- 查清 chá qīng[investigate thoroughly;check up on;make a thorough investigation] 彻底调查清楚 查清事实,依法处理
- 查哨 chá shào[go the rounds of guard posts;inspect the sentries] 检查哨兵执行任务的情况。也说查岗
- 查实 chá shí[verify] 调查核实反复查实
- 查收 chá shōu[receive;please find] 检查无误后收下--多用于书信寄上《英汉大学词典》两部,请查收
- 查私 chá sī[search for smugglers or smuggling goods] 追查走私行为
- 查问 chá wèn [question;inquire;interrogate]
- 查无实据 chá wú shí jù查究起来,没有确实的根据或证据。
- 查询 chá xún[question;interrogate;inquire about] 查考询问查询行李的下落
- 查验 chá yàn[examine;check] 检查验明查验证件
- 查夜 chá yè[night patrol;inspect at night] 夜间巡查
- 查阅 chá yuè
- 查账 chá zhàng[check accounts;audit] 核查账目
- 查找 chá zhǎo[search for;scour] 彻底考查或搜寻查找文件
- 查证 chá zhèng[investigate and verify] 调查情况以求证实查证事实
1. 查 [chá]2. 查 [zhā]查 [chá] 〈名〉- (形声。从木,且声。本义:木筏)
- 同本义。同“楂” [raft]有巨查浮于西海。——晋· 王嘉《拾遗记·唐尧》
- 又如:查影(筏影,船影);查头(船头)
- 树桩 [stump]。如:查儿(短而硬的胡子或头发)
- 树杈 [crotch of a tree]。如:查卉(树木砍伐后的再生枝)
〈动〉- 审查,考查;检查 [check;examine;inspect]。如:查票;查勘(访查勘验)
- 调查 [look into(a matter); investigate]。如:查看(实地调查);查视(查看)
- 在参考书中寻找 [consult;look up]。如:查字典;查书
- 另见 zhā
查 [zhā] 〈名〉- 渣滓 [dregs]。如:查子账(不清不白的事);查秽(渣滓秽物)
- 棍、杖之类 [stick]懦弱底与它几下刀背,顽猾底与它一顿铁查。——宋·佚名《张协状元》
- 放纵不拘礼度的人 [self-indulgent person]近代流俗,呼丈夫妇人纵放不拘礼度者为查。——《封氏闻见记》
- 又如:查语(怪诞或不拘礼度的话);查谈(同查语);查查胡胡(咋咋呼呼。表示炫耀自己)
- 姓
〈动〉- [用手]抓 [grasp]既进争口,举手误查范臂。—— 南朝梁· 任昉《奏弹刘整》
- 张开;分开 [open]一双怪眼似明星,两耳过肩查又硬。——《西游记》
- 又如:查耳(张开耳朵);查沙(方言。张开,伸开)
- 另见 chá
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